Martin Bažík

I am Martin Bažík, full-stack developer from Bratislava, Slovakia. I have more than 15 years of experience with web development using PHP and JavaScript, with React.js more than 8 years.
Currently I develop frontends in React.js and TypeScript, backends in Go, but also have rich experience with designing and developing backend systems in other languages and frameworks such as GO(lang), PHP, Node.js, Nette, Symfony and others.
Most of my roles were of Lead developer, tech lead, tech designer and architect and also team lead of upto 10 people teams.
I follow current trends in web development and actively search for new technologies and practices that can help me build better applications and become a better developer.

React.js, Go, PHP, Symfony

React.js, PHP, Nette, Go, Docker, AWS, RabbitMQ, MySql, MongoDb

React.js, Google Maps API

PHP, Nette, MySql

PHP, Nette, RabbitMQ

PHP, Nette, RabbitMQ
Work Experience
IT Director, co-CTO- Eyeball
Responsible for web app architecture, quality, development processes and feature development management and delivery. Leading a team of backend & frontend developers, designers, testers - managing workload, code reviews, support, mentoring and teaching. AWS Services configuration, CI/CD configuration. Docker, PHP, Symfony, React, Typescript, MySQL, AWS ElasticBeanstalk, RDS, Aurora,, Gitlab
Co-founder, CTO - Web & Backend- UložDoklad
Scan QR code from cash receipts and have overview of your expenses. React.js on frontend and Go(lang) on backend. Runs in Google cloud. Landing page made using Next.js, web app uses React, Redux Toolkit. Setup GCP App Engine, Cloud Build, Cloud Run. Bitbucket pipelines and GitHub actions.
Team leader- Macys
Leading a team of javascript developers working on bridgin native mobile apps with js and react embedded views. Typescript, React, Capacitor, Electron
Team leader- Merck
Working with a team to deliver publishing platform bult with React. React, AWS Lambdas, Node.js
Team leader- Allied Irish Banks
Leading a team of React.js developers working on mortgage calculator for bank employees. Introduced typescript and other code quality tools to the codebase, worked on user stories. Project successfully shipped. React, Redux, Formik, Typescript, Ramda
Team leader- Carvago/TEAS
Leading a team of React.js developers working on service part of new TEAS DMS. Taking part in architectural decisions. Next.js, redux-toolkit, saga.
React.js developer/architect- GotCourts Ltd.
React.js and some Go(lang) and PHP. Remade player facing web app from scratch. Lead developer and architect. React.js, redux, rx.js, websockets. AWS Lamda & Go microservices, sqs, sns, docker setup for backend.
Deputy CTO, Web architect & leadeveloper- Billdu Ltd.
Leading invoicing SaaS. Architect, Tech & Team lead. Tech design and development of online web app and supporting services. 2 people team. Worked on main webapp, API, created many supporting services such as logs processing, newsletter system, mailing system, build pipeline for Docker, mobile notifications server, all in Go(lang) and React.js. AWS and Docker setup for EC2, IAM, secrets management, S3 etc. React.js, websockets, PHP, Nette, Doctrine2, Symfony components, Go(lang), RabbitMQ, MySQL, MongoDb, Docker
Owner- BAZIK, s.r.o.
Web projects development and consultations for various clients. Building web apps with React.js and APIs using Go(lang), PHP and node.js on backend.
Lead developer- Traveldata, s.r.o.
Consultancy, Leading a team of PHP developers to finish a CMS project for travel agencies. PHP, Nette, MySQL
React developer- Commander Systems, s.r.o.
Consultancy, Implementation of route planning for existing app in React.js
Project developer
School social network, React.js, websockets, PHP, Nette, OrientDb
Project developer- Trophy 14
Sports social network, React.js, websockets, PHP, Nette, Neo4J db, MongoDb
Project developer
Golf school information system, Client zone, Presentational website, API. PHP, Nette, MySQL, JS
Web developer- dotBlue
Real-time JS and backend development, refactoring of code, bringing new features to clients, making their apps more performant, realtime features integration. PHP, Nette, JS.
Lead Web Developer- website. Architect, Tech & Team lead, 7 people team. PHP, Nette, MySQL, ZeroMQ, JS.
Lead Web Developer / User Experience Expert- social network. Architect, Tech & Team lead. PHP, Nette, MongoDb, RabbitMQ, realtime JS.
IT Division Head-
Intranet system. Architect, Tech & Team lead, 5 people remote team. PHP, Nette, MySQL, RabbitMQ, realtime JS,.
Aalborg University, Humanistic Informatics
Human computer interaction studies, designed a publishing system for journalists in the field created an information system for a printing company
Master, Comenius University, Faculty of Management
Bachelor studies in General Management, Master degree in Informations Systems Management
University West Trollhättan
Erasmus program, management, human computer interaction, data warehousing
Gymnázium Jura Hronca (grammar school)
Informatics specialization